Bila kemarin saya memposting mengenai software Aksara Batak sekarang saya akan memposting mengenai Aksara Jawa
Salah satu kebudayaan Indonesia adalah Bahasa Jawa, dan juga dilengkapi dengan Aksara Jawa, Generasi muda Jawa sudah banyak yang tidak mengenal atau mengetahui bagaimana penulisan Aksara Jawa.
Dahulu kala nenek moyang kita menulis aksara jawa di daun lontar, sekarang kita dapat menulis
Software Cara Menginstal Windows Xp
Software ini di tujukan bagi yang belum mengerti bagaimana cara menginstall Windows Xp.
Software ini akan menunjukkan bagaimana cara menginstall windows Xp, secara lengkap, sepertihalnya kita menginstall Windows Xp sungguhan. Sehingga orang yang melihat dan menjalankan software ini pasti akan tahu bagaimana cara menginstall Windows Xp yang benar.
Akan menampilkan dari Start up Komputer kemudian
Software ini akan menunjukkan bagaimana cara menginstall windows Xp, secara lengkap, sepertihalnya kita menginstall Windows Xp sungguhan. Sehingga orang yang melihat dan menjalankan software ini pasti akan tahu bagaimana cara menginstall Windows Xp yang benar.
Akan menampilkan dari Start up Komputer kemudian
Super MP3 Download
Super MP3 Download adalah sebuah aplikasi yang dibuat untuk membantu anda mencari dan men-dowload lebih dari 100 juta file MP3. Anda dapat mencoba mendengarkan terlebih dahulu MP3 yang anda cari untuk memutuskan mana yang ingin didownload. Super MP3 Download juga mempunyai fitur dimana akan ditampilkan Top 100 lagu yang sedang popular setiap minggu.
Daftar lagu-lagu yang sedang popular juga
Daftar lagu-lagu yang sedang popular juga
Sharing Komputer Peer to Peer
Sharing peer to peer adalah komunikasi atara dua computer untuk saling berbagi file dan folder serta berbagi sambungan internet. Sebenarnya hubungan atau setting computer peer to peer sama dengan setting jaringan dengan menggunakan system network lainnya, yang terpenting kita harus mengetahui jenis computer yang akan kita setting.
Jenis computer dalam hubungan peer to peer antara lain :
Jenis computer dalam hubungan peer to peer antara lain :
Merakit Antena OMNI sendiri
Berikut ini adalah contoh dalam pembuatan antena WiFi 2,4 GHz. Bagi pembaca yang berkeinginan untuk membangun HOTSPOT antena ini patut dicoba guna untuk menekan harga dibanding dengan membeli antena yang buatan pabrik.
A. Bahan
1. Coaxial RG 6
2. Pipa pralon ¾ inci
3. Pipa tembaga AC ¼ inci x 0,56
4. Konektor type M40-F sebanyak 1 buah
5. Timah solder
6. Lem stick
7. Plat tembaga
8. Paku rivet
A. Bahan
1. Coaxial RG 6
2. Pipa pralon ¾ inci
3. Pipa tembaga AC ¼ inci x 0,56
4. Konektor type M40-F sebanyak 1 buah
5. Timah solder
6. Lem stick
7. Plat tembaga
8. Paku rivet
Facebook Chating
Sebuah aplikasi khusus untuk chating ke teman-teman pada facebook tanpa harus membuka facebooknya. Kalau kita lihat obrolan chating di FB lokasi tempat chatingnya terbatas, sehingga bila banyak teman yang chating sama kita maka kita sibuk harus menggeser atau memilih teman yang berkomunikasi dengan kita.
Program ini hampir mirip dengan penggunaan Yahoo Masangger. Tinggal kita klik programnya,
Program ini hampir mirip dengan penggunaan Yahoo Masangger. Tinggal kita klik programnya,
Download OS Linux
1. Linux Ubuntu
Nama : Ubuntu
Size : 670,80 Mb
OS : Linux
Lisensi : Freeware
2. Debian
Nama : Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.3 (ISO) i386
Size : 4,38 GB
Lisensi : Freeware
3. Slackware
Nama : Slackware 13.0 DVD
Size : 3,96 GB
Lisebsu : Freeware
4. SuSe
Nama : Open Suse
Size : 4,7 Gb DVD
Lisensi : Free
5. Mandrake (Mandriva)
Aplikasi Linux
Linux telah menjadi fenomena baru beberapa tahun lalu, namun hingga kini masih saja ada sejumlah pengguna komputer yang enggan memakai Linux dengan berbagai kendala mereka masing-masing. Dan salah satunya adalah anggapan bahwa Linux banyak memiliki keterbatasan, terlebih pada aplikasi yang dapat digunakan di Linux. Untuk itu artikel ini akan sedikit banyak memperkenalkan sejumlah aplikasi yang
Blue Screen Windows
Blue Screen (Layar Biru) pada Windows dengan tulisan pesan kesalahan dalam pemakaian windows. Blue Screen ini mengakibatkan kinerja dan performa Komputer anda terasa lambat dan berat dan kemudian mengakibatkan Windows Crash serta terjadi Bugs yang akhirnya menyebabkan komputer anda tidak bisa masuk ke Windows. Anda jangan tergesa-gesa dan terburu-buru langsung Menginstall Windows XP atau bawa
Menginstall Lan Dengan Bluetooth
Berkembangnya teknologi jaringan komunikasi, untuk membuat jaringan LAN kita tidak harus menggunakan kabel UTP, dimana dengan menggunakan kabel UTP jaringan kita tetap, tidak dapat mobile, serta memakan tempat serta banyak peratan, juga maintenacenya sangat merepotkan.
Bluetooth adalah sebuah alat yang menggunakan teknologi Wave Lan (Jaringan Lan secara Gelombang Signal) yang bekerja pada 24 GHz
Bluetooth adalah sebuah alat yang menggunakan teknologi Wave Lan (Jaringan Lan secara Gelombang Signal) yang bekerja pada 24 GHz
Software Latihan Mengetik Cepat
Software untuk melatih mengetik dengan sepuluh jari tanpa melihat tutch keyboard sangat penting, untuk memperlancar pengetikan, sehingga pekerjaan kita lebih cepat selesainya.
Ada beberapa jenis Software latihan mengetik antara lain :
1. Keyblaze Typing Tutor
Untuk software ini kita di berikan beberapa latihan dari tingkat pemula sampai tingkat mahir, yaitu dengan mengetik huruf demi huruf
Ada beberapa jenis Software latihan mengetik antara lain :
1. Keyblaze Typing Tutor
Untuk software ini kita di berikan beberapa latihan dari tingkat pemula sampai tingkat mahir, yaitu dengan mengetik huruf demi huruf
Antivirus Handphone
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_253 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-253", "title" : "Antivirus+Handphone", "item_id" : "_post_253", "permalink" : "" }
Bila Handphone anda sering terhubung ke internet atau sharing file dengan menggunakan bloutooth, maka kemungkinan handphon anda bisa terkena
Software Aplikasi Handphone
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_426 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-426", "title" : "Software+Aplikasi+Handphone", "item_id" : "_post_426", "permalink" : "" }
1. QuicTime 7.6.2.
Untuk Media player Mp4, 3Gp dll
Lisensi : Freeware
Size : 20,9 Mb
2. 3GP Player
Untuk memotar
Memperbaiki Bad Sector Hardisk
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_101 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-101", "title" : "Memperbaiki+Bad+Sector+Hardisk", "item_id" : "_post_101", "permalink" : "" }
Bad Sector sudah lama menjadi momok yang cukup merisaukan bagi sejumlah pengguna komputer. Cukup banyak faktor yang dapat
Software Pengingat Waktu Solat
Salaat Time 1.8
Program ini di khususkan untuk muslim, dimana program ini menampilkan waktu untuk solat, adzan dan juga kalender muslim.
Cara kerjanya:
Bila tiba waktunya untuk solat atau adzan maka akan terdengar bunyi peringatan dari komputer anda.
Pengaturan waktunya disesuaikan dengan setting region waktu pada komputer anda.
Program ini sangat berguna untuk mendisiplinkan waktu bagi kaum
Program ini di khususkan untuk muslim, dimana program ini menampilkan waktu untuk solat, adzan dan juga kalender muslim.
Cara kerjanya:
Bila tiba waktunya untuk solat atau adzan maka akan terdengar bunyi peringatan dari komputer anda.
Pengaturan waktunya disesuaikan dengan setting region waktu pada komputer anda.
Program ini sangat berguna untuk mendisiplinkan waktu bagi kaum
Menginstal Windows XP dari Flash Disk
Oleh : Dunov Saur Raja
Menginstal Windows biasanya selalu harus menggunakan CD Windows Xp. Bagaimana kalau di sebuah komputer tidak ada CD/DVD Roomnya, atau seperti jaman sekarang banyak Notebook yang tidak memiliki CD/DVD Room. Apakah kita harus membeli External CD/DVD Room wah pasti mengeluarkan biaya yang tidak sedikit.
Ternyata Windows Xp bisa di instal pada komputer baru dengan USB Flash
Menginstal Windows biasanya selalu harus menggunakan CD Windows Xp. Bagaimana kalau di sebuah komputer tidak ada CD/DVD Roomnya, atau seperti jaman sekarang banyak Notebook yang tidak memiliki CD/DVD Room. Apakah kita harus membeli External CD/DVD Room wah pasti mengeluarkan biaya yang tidak sedikit.
Ternyata Windows Xp bisa di instal pada komputer baru dengan USB Flash
Trik Untuk Mendownload Program
Banyak Website yang menyediakan jasa untuk mendownload Program, seperti :, bila kita mendownload suatu program hasilnya sering terputus di tengah jalan tidak sampai selesai mendownload dengan sempurna.
Setiap Website yang di buat pingin memiliki peminat yang akan menaikkan rating mereka dalam dunia internet. Mereka mengharapkan setiap pengunjung yang ingin mendownload
Setiap Website yang di buat pingin memiliki peminat yang akan menaikkan rating mereka dalam dunia internet. Mereka mengharapkan setiap pengunjung yang ingin mendownload
Free Tools
- Win Zip
Software Aplikasi untuk mengkompress dokumen, agar kapasitas hardisk lebih sedikit terpakai, juga untuk melindungi file dari serangan virus, selain itu dapat di robah menjadi Exe file, sehingga pada saat mengekstraknya lebih mudah
Download di Sini
- WinRar
Winrar adalah sebuah program aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk mengkompress file, dimana file yang
Software Aplikasi untuk mengkompress dokumen, agar kapasitas hardisk lebih sedikit terpakai, juga untuk melindungi file dari serangan virus, selain itu dapat di robah menjadi Exe file, sehingga pada saat mengekstraknya lebih mudah
Download di Sini
- WinRar
Winrar adalah sebuah program aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk mengkompress file, dimana file yang
Cool Key
Biasanya kita membuka suatu program aplikasi seperti Word, Excel, Control panel, dll harus mengklik start lalu All Program kemudian memilih folder tempat aplikasi tersebut tersimpan, atau mengklik dua kali icon pada desktop komputer.
Dengan mengklik 2x icon program aplikasi memang mudah, tapi apakah semua aplikasi kita susun di Desktop kita, wah desktop akan penuh dengan icon-icon aplikasi
Dengan mengklik 2x icon program aplikasi memang mudah, tapi apakah semua aplikasi kita susun di Desktop kita, wah desktop akan penuh dengan icon-icon aplikasi
My Defrag
Salah satu cara untuk merawat hardisk kita adalah dengan menyusun ulang posisi file system kita sehigga dapat tersusun rapi yaitu dengan cara mendefragment.
Anda dapat mendefrag hardisk anda dengan cara
1. Pilih drive pada komputer anda
2. Klik kanan mouse kemudian klik Properties
3. Lalu kilik Tools
4. Pilih menu Defrag.
5. Kemudian klik Defrag Now
maka komputer akan mendefrag atau menyusun
Anda dapat mendefrag hardisk anda dengan cara
1. Pilih drive pada komputer anda
2. Klik kanan mouse kemudian klik Properties
3. Lalu kilik Tools
4. Pilih menu Defrag.
5. Kemudian klik Defrag Now
maka komputer akan mendefrag atau menyusun
CD Recovery
Salah satu media penyimpanan adalah CD atau DVD casette, dimana data yang dapat di simpan di dalam CD/DVD antara lain :
1. Dokumen atau data yang kita burn kedalam CD
2. Program Aplikasi yang tersimpan di CD
3. OS Windows atau OS lain yang Bootable CD.
4. Video CD/DVD
5. Lagu Mp3 CD/DVD
6. CD Game
7. Dll
Tapi terkadang CD kaset yang kita masukkan dalam CD/DVD Room tidak bisa dibaca beberapa
1. Dokumen atau data yang kita burn kedalam CD
2. Program Aplikasi yang tersimpan di CD
3. OS Windows atau OS lain yang Bootable CD.
4. Video CD/DVD
5. Lagu Mp3 CD/DVD
6. CD Game
7. Dll
Tapi terkadang CD kaset yang kita masukkan dalam CD/DVD Room tidak bisa dibaca beberapa
Banyak diantara kita sering kebingungan, kenapa bias computer satu dengan computer lainnya dapat saling berhubungan bahkan sampai ke seluruh dunia. Sebenarnya jaringan dunia maya sama dengan struktur kehidupan manusia di Dunia Real.
Saya mencoba untuk menjelaskannya secara Sederhana di sesuaikan dengan kehidupan kita sehari-hari.
Untuk penjelasan tersebut saya menggunakan nama Doni (Nama
Saya mencoba untuk menjelaskannya secara Sederhana di sesuaikan dengan kehidupan kita sehari-hari.
Untuk penjelasan tersebut saya menggunakan nama Doni (Nama
Virtual Machine
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_344 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-344", "title" : "Virtual+Machine", "item_id" : "_post_344", "permalink" : "" }
Virtual PC 2007 adalah software untuk membuat virtual PC pada komputer anda, di mana anda dapat menginstal beberapa OS pada komputer anda, sehingga anda
Menginstal OS Linux Ubuntu
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_390 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-390", "title" : "Menginstal+OS+Linux+Ubuntu", "item_id" : "_post_390", "permalink" : "" }
Seperti kita ketahui Menggunakan OS Microsoft Windows harus membayar lisensi kepada pihak microsoft. Sehingga banyak orang
Menginstall Windows Vista
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_519 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-519", "title" : "Menginstall+Windows+Vista", "item_id" : "_post_519", "permalink" : "" }
Windows Vista adalah generasi Windows produk Microsoft setelah Windows Xp, dengan tampilan yang menarik dan performa yang bagus, tapi
Windows 2003 Server
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_408 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-408", "title" : "Windows+2003+Server", "item_id" : "_post_408", "permalink" : "" }
Seperti kita ketahui komputer yang kita pergunakan untuk brows ke internet di sebut komputer Client, dimana komputer Client pada saat browsing
Menginstal OS Windows XP
Sekarang ini banyak toko atau distributor yang tidak mau menginstall OS di Komputer atau Notebook yang mereka jual, dengan alasan mereka tidak mau kena tidakan karena menginstall Windows bajakan. sementara untuk membeli Windows Original masih terlalu mahal untuk kita.
Jad bagi anda yang ingin membeli Notebook atau PC atau ingin merakit sendiri komputernya akan di jelaskan cara menginstal
Jad bagi anda yang ingin membeli Notebook atau PC atau ingin merakit sendiri komputernya akan di jelaskan cara menginstal
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_353 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-353", "title" : "MERAKIT+KOMPUTER", "item_id" : "_post_353", "permalink" : "" }
Proses merakit computer sebenarnya sangat mudah, selain ada buku petunjuknya, setiap komponen computer mempunyai soket yang sesuai letaknya pada
Ebook Tutorial Google Earth
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_512 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-512", "title" : "Ebook+Tutorial+Google+Earth", "item_id" : "_post_512", "permalink" : "" }
Pada post terdahulu telah di jelaskan apa fungsi dari software Google Earth, karena banyak yang meminta cara pengoperasian Google
Google Earth Plus
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_278 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-278", "title" : "+Google+Earth+Plus+v4.3.7284.3916", "item_id" : "_post_278", "permalink" : "" }
Google merilis versi terbaru dari Google Earth 4.3. Google telah menambahkan lebih banyak fitur pada versi terbaru
Rampok USB
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_269 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-269", "title" : "Rampok+USB", "item_id" : "_post_269", "permalink" : "
Kedengarannya aneh, seperti penjahat tapi memang itulah kerjanya, karena bila program ini di aktifkan maka seluruh dokumen atau data dari Flash Disk yang terhubung dengan
Menambah Memory PC dengan Flash Disk
Seperti kita ketahui, Memory komputer sangat penting fungsinya untuk mempercepat daya kerja Komputer kita. Bila kita ingin menginstall suatu program aplikasi yang membutuhkan memory maka kita harus menambah kapasitas memory kita.
Ada beberapa kendala dalam hal menambah Kapasitas Memory :
1. Pertama kita harus mengeluarkan biaya yang tidak sedikit.
2. Memory yang kita beli harus sama jenisnya
Ada beberapa kendala dalam hal menambah Kapasitas Memory :
1. Pertama kita harus mengeluarkan biaya yang tidak sedikit.
2. Memory yang kita beli harus sama jenisnya
Kisah sukses pendiri facebook
Success Story FacebookSejak muda sudah keranjingan komputer. Ketika di Harvard sempat jadi pemberontak dengan membuka website data mahasiswa, ia pun diperkarakan. Lalu Facebook yang dibuatnya menggoncangkan dunia dan membawanya menjadi anak muda terkaya di dunia.
Namanya Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, dilahirkan di Dobb Ferry, Westchester County, New York, 14 Mei 1984. Sekolah menengah di Ardsley High
Namanya Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, dilahirkan di Dobb Ferry, Westchester County, New York, 14 Mei 1984. Sekolah menengah di Ardsley High
Free Antivirus
Untuk menjaga komputer anda dari serangan virus atau spyware sebaiknya anda menggunakan software antivirus. Banyak antivirus yang bagus namun anda harus membeli lisinsinya cukup mahal juga. Namun software gratis juga banyak manfaatnya, walaupun tidak sebagus yang lisensi tapi cukuplah untuk memproteksi dan berjaga2 terhadap serangan virus.
1. Avast! 4 Home Edition 4.8.1335
Avast antivirus
1. Avast! 4 Home Edition 4.8.1335
Avast antivirus
Free Video/Audio Aplication
Free Video to JPG Converter
Aplikasi ini untuk mengambil gambar dari video, bila anda memutar video anda dapat mengambil atau mencapture gambar video itu menjadi gambar dengan extention JPG
Category:Audio-Video – Video-Converters
Size:4.6 MB
View:13787 view
Download di sini ——————————————————————————————–
Free AVI to MP3 Converter
Avi to Mpe3 converter adalah
Aplikasi ini untuk mengambil gambar dari video, bila anda memutar video anda dapat mengambil atau mencapture gambar video itu menjadi gambar dengan extention JPG
Category:Audio-Video – Video-Converters
Size:4.6 MB
View:13787 view
Download di sini ——————————————————————————————–
Free AVI to MP3 Converter
Avi to Mpe3 converter adalah
Jaringan Komputer
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_118 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-118", "title" : "Jaringan+Komputer", "item_id" : "_post_118", "permalink" : ""
Jaringan komputer adalah hubungan antara satu komputer dengan komputer lainnya, lebih tepat dikatakan komunikasi antara komputer dengan komputer lainnya
Fungsi dan Manfaat Komputer
Pada zaman sekarang bila seseorang tidak mengerti komputer dibilang ketinggalan zaman, Kuno dan gaptek. Sementara di bidang pekerjaan semua orang di tuntut untuk mengerti menggunakan komputer, karena komputer merupakan sarana mempermudah dan mempercepat proses pekerjaan.
Setiap orang memiliki alasan yang berbeda bila mereka di tanya tentang apa fungsinya komputer, jawaban mereka antara lain :
Setiap orang memiliki alasan yang berbeda bila mereka di tanya tentang apa fungsinya komputer, jawaban mereka antara lain :
Backup CD OS dengan Nlite
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_413 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-413", "title" : "Backup+CD+OS+dengan+Nlite", "item_id" : "_post_413", "permalink" : "
Satu lagi jenis Software untuk membackup CD OS selain UltraISO, Nero dll. Cara kerja software ini lebih cepat dibanding dengan cara
Merepair( Memperbaiki ) Flashdisk Rusak
PDRTJS_settings_484823_post_229 = { "id" : "484823", "unique_id" : "wp-post-229", "title" : "Merepair%28+Memperbaiki+%29+Flashdisk+Rusak", "item_id" : "_post_229", "permalink" : "" }
Flashdisk anda rusak????? jangan dbuang dahulu siapa tahu masih bisa dipakai kalau sudah pakai soft
Mencegah anak surfing ke situs porno.
Hati-hati membiarkan putra/putri anda menggunakan Internet karena Penggunaan internet dari hari ke hari bertambah secara drastis. Jumlah situspun dari hari semakin bertambah termasuk situs porno atau situs2 yang tiak layak di lihat oleh putra dan putri anda, yang memuat gambar statis, video porno sampai ke sex online hal ini dapat mengakibatkan akhlak dan prilaku anak menjadi menyimpang.
Perbaiki Dokumen Exel yang Corupt
Bayangkan data anda yang anda simpan dalam microsoft Excel tidak bisa dibuka, apalagi data tersebut sangat penting bagi pekerjaan anda dan anda tidak sempat membackupnya, hanya ada satu solusi yaitu membuat data baru, resikonya data baru tersebut tidak sesuai dengan data yang anda simpan dalam dokumen
Data Excel biasa terjadi corupt apabila media penyimpanannya seperti flashdisk terkena virus,
Data Excel biasa terjadi corupt apabila media penyimpanannya seperti flashdisk terkena virus,
PC security 6.04
Adalah sebuah softawre yang berfungsi untuk memproteksi aplikasi Windows, diamana aplikasi ini mengunci sesuatu agar orang lain tidak dapat membuka program atau melihat data kita.
System kerjanya dengan membuat securty paswaord, sehigga bila kita membuka file atau folder atau apapun yang kita kunci maka orang lain tidak dapat membukanya.
Untuk dapat membukannya harus mengklik Icon pada bar
Gebrakan Komputer Stealth “Si Warrior” Yang Tahan Dari Berbagai Kondisi
By thePinkFighter on August 8th, 2009
“Berhati-hatilah! Si Siluman kini sedang beraksi”, begitulah ungkapan yang pantas untuk menggambarkan produk yang satu ini. Anda tak perlu merasa takut ataupun khawatir dengan keberadaan siluman yang satu ini, karena pada dasarnya siluman yang satu ini merupakan sebuah komputer laptop semata.
Di tengah sebagian besar produsen komputer sedang
Tips Dan Trik Dalam Pembelian Komputer Bekas
Jika dana belanja komputer terbatas, dan ingin membeli komputer bekas tapi kondisi yang masih bagus gunakan cara berikut :
Selain anda memeriksa penawaran mereka mengenai Mother Boardnya dan processornya, anda juga harus memeriksa komputer secara ditael seperti petunjuk di bawah ini.
1. Periksa kelengkapan komputer tersebut, seperti :
a. Monitor, perhatikan apakah monitor tersebut berfungsi
Cara Install dan Membuat Server Di Komputer Lokal
Software Server Gratis XAMPP
Membuat server di komputer lokal bisa dilakukan dengan install software server di hardisk lokal komputer tersebut. Software server yang cukup populer dan gratis adalah XAMPP (singkatan dari Cross-Platform (X) Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl) yang merupakan software open source.
Manfaat membuat server di komputer lokal umumnya untuk pengembangan aplikasi berbasis PHP dan
Cara Memperbaiki Windows XP Tanpa Instalasi Ulang
Buat yang belum bisa untuk install ulang OS di Computernya dan blum tau gimana cara memperbaiki kesalahan-kesalahan dan eror yang terdapat pada OS Windows Xp, dibawah ini ada cara-cara dan tips untuk memperbaikinya jika OS Windows XP di PC anda ngulah tanpa perlu melakukan Instalasi ulang.
Memperbaiki Instalasi ( Repair Install )
Jika Windows XP Anda rusak (corrupted) dimana Anda tidak
Trik-trik Windows (150 Trik)
Instalasi Windows yang Mudah
01. Back-up dahulu registry sebelum diedit. Caranya, klik Start|Run, ketik regedit. Setelah muncul window registry, pilih menu File-Export. Pada bagian Export range, pilih All dan tentukan nama file, akhiri dengan klik tombol Save.
02. Banyak program yang sebenarnya terinstalasi dalam Windows, namun tidak aktif.Untuk mengaktifkannya, masuk ke Control
01. Back-up dahulu registry sebelum diedit. Caranya, klik Start|Run, ketik regedit. Setelah muncul window registry, pilih menu File-Export. Pada bagian Export range, pilih All dan tentukan nama file, akhiri dengan klik tombol Save.
02. Banyak program yang sebenarnya terinstalasi dalam Windows, namun tidak aktif.Untuk mengaktifkannya, masuk ke Control
Sharing Internet untuk 2PC dengan Bridge Windows
Tutorial Jaringan kali ini erat sekali hubungannya dengan tutorial penulis sebelumnya, yakni mengenai “Koneksi 2 PC menggunakan kabel Cross”, sehingga sebelum membaca artikel ini lebih lanjut, disarankan untuk membaca artikel tersebut.
Bagi seorang yang memiliki akses internet di rumah mungkin pernah menemui kasus seperti bagaimana caranya membagi koneksi internet hanya untuk 2 pc. Bisa saja
Bagi seorang yang memiliki akses internet di rumah mungkin pernah menemui kasus seperti bagaimana caranya membagi koneksi internet hanya untuk 2 pc. Bisa saja
Cara Pemasang Kabel LAN
Kabel yang akan dipasang sebaiknya diperiksa terlebih dahulu, baik kabel arus maupun kabel UTP untuk jaringan komputer anda. ini untuk memeriksa apakah ada kabel yang terputus atau tidak. Setelah kabel diperiksa, kabel dipasang dan setelah itu pasang pipa penutup kabel agar nilai estetikanya ada dan terkesan profesional.
Menyiapkan Peralatan yang Dibutuhkan
Dalam pengerjaan janngan kita pun
Menyiapkan Peralatan yang Dibutuhkan
Dalam pengerjaan janngan kita pun
PDF to Word
Kita mengetahui file PDF hanya bisa di buka dengan program Adobe Akrobat reader dan file tersebut hanya bisa di baca tapi tidak bisa di edit.
File PDF dapat di edit dengan cara merubah file tersebut mencadi file dokumen Word sehingga file tersebut dapat di edit nama program tersebut adalah : pdf2word.exe
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File PDF dapat di edit dengan cara merubah file tersebut mencadi file dokumen Word sehingga file tersebut dapat di edit nama program tersebut adalah : pdf2word.exe
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Mencegah Microsoft Mendeteksi Windows XP
Bagi pengguna Windows XP bajakan, yang sering melakukan koneksi internet harus hati-hati karena secara default, Windows akan secara otomatis memberlakukan jadual update ketika computer kita tersambung ke internet. Jika kita membiarkan Windows kita terupdate (baik secara tidak sengaja maupun tidak) maka secara tidak langsung akan membiarkan Microsoft untuk mendeteksi Windows bajakan milik kita
Cara memilih VGA Card
VGA (Video Graphics Accelerator) card adalah salah satu komponen komputer yg mutlak harus ada. Fungsinya mengolah data graphis unt ditampilkan di layar monitor. Sebetulnya VGA card merupakan satu unit “komputer mini” karena komponen ini memiliki sebuah prosesor (disebut GPU alias Graphics Processing Unit) dan membutuhkan memory juga.
Disebut VGA card krn komponen ini memang berbentuk spt kartu
Mempercepat Proses Shutdown Pada Windows
Mungkin anda pernah mengalami proses shutdown yang begitu lama pada saat anda ingin mematikan komputer anda. Memang proses shutdown yang memakan waktu begitu lama akan sangat menjengkelkan bagi kita dan terlebih lagi jika kita memang ingin segera mematikan komputer tersebut karena ada pekerjaan yang lain.
Berikut ada beberapa teknik yang bisa digunakan untuk mempercepat proses shutdown windows
The Game Park Holdings Wiz Handheld
The GP2X Wiz is the latest handheld system from Game Park Holdings (GPH). Game Park Holdings is a Korean company that has previously produced and sold the GP2X line of handheld systems. Game Park Holdings was created by employees that left Gamepark who had created the GP32 handheld system.
The primary use for the GP2X Wiz is for open source home brew games and applications. The development kit is free to download and use, and there is an active community supporting this home brew development.
Emulation seems to be the favorite application of the Game Park line of handhelds. This ranges from emulation of older game consoles like the Neo Geo Pocket Color or the Nintendo Entertainment system to computer systems such as the Commodore 64. It also encompasses emulators serving a broad range of emulation systems like the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (or MAME). Of course, there are commercial games for the Wiz, but that's not the focus of this article.
It really is a cool little handheld, and I do mean little. It really seems a lot smaller than you'd expect for a system with such a nice screen and controls.
To finish up, let's look at some of the specs for this cool new portable machine.
The Wiz is based on the MagicEyes Pollux chip and sports a 533MHz ARM 9 CPU (which can be easily overclocked to about 800MHz). It uses SD flash storage for its exterman storage, and has 1G of internal flash storage. Out of the box, the Wiz runs Linux, which is cool for the open-source operating system geeks out there.
The primary use for the GP2X Wiz is for open source home brew games and applications. The development kit is free to download and use, and there is an active community supporting this home brew development.
Emulation seems to be the favorite application of the Game Park line of handhelds. This ranges from emulation of older game consoles like the Neo Geo Pocket Color or the Nintendo Entertainment system to computer systems such as the Commodore 64. It also encompasses emulators serving a broad range of emulation systems like the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (or MAME). Of course, there are commercial games for the Wiz, but that's not the focus of this article.
It really is a cool little handheld, and I do mean little. It really seems a lot smaller than you'd expect for a system with such a nice screen and controls.
To finish up, let's look at some of the specs for this cool new portable machine.
The Wiz is based on the MagicEyes Pollux chip and sports a 533MHz ARM 9 CPU (which can be easily overclocked to about 800MHz). It uses SD flash storage for its exterman storage, and has 1G of internal flash storage. Out of the box, the Wiz runs Linux, which is cool for the open-source operating system geeks out there.
Recycling Apple Laptop Batteries
If you wish to play a role in helping to have a positive impact on the world in which we live, recycling is one of the best ways for you to do so. Recycling is vital to both the natural environment and to humans. We must act swiftly, as the amount of waste we create is increasing all the time. Landfills cannot keep up and when people throw away hazardous material in with their regular trash, this can cause major problems. Another issue is that large amounts of energy is being used to manufacture new items, when for a fraction of the energy, older items can be used to create new ones.
It may not seem as if one person can make a difference, however if you think about the millions of people who at some point will be disposing of their Apple laptop batteries and batteries from other types of computers, the amount of potential hazardous waste is astonishing.
The amount of trash that humans create is always increasing. There are several reasons for this. As people buy more products, they ultimately have more to throw away. As the population increases, there are more humans creating waste. New packaging, which may save manufacturers some money, are not environmentally friendly which means that they are not biodegradable. While the messages of going green and the very importance of recycling are being heard now by more people than ever, it is still very important to remember that anyone with Apple laptops should know about programs to help customers very easily lend a hand in recycling Apple laptop batteries.
The Apple corporation strongly encourages customers to recycle their Apple laptop batteries. They clearly state that Li-Ion, NiCad, NiMH batteries are known to be hazardous to the environment and should not be thrown away with your trash. For this reason, they have are part of the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation, which has a website to let you know what to do. Basically, thousands of sites have been set up nationwide to accept old batteries. These are in convenient locations, such as food stores and malls. Once collected, they are shipped off to facilities which will take those old batteries and put them to good use.
Computer Training - Is Your Computer Training Program a Money Sink?
Computer and soft-skills training seems to fall into the nebulous, foggy category of a "necessary" but "unmeasurable" need. At a basic level, it's obvious that employees can't do their jobs well if they don't know what they are doing! Yet so many times businesses spring beaucoup bucks for training, and end up scratching their heads wondering if the investment was worth it. After all, how do you know?
In this article we are going to explore three methodologies for you to use to help you determine if your training program is as effective as it could be, and if not, how to tweak it so that it meets your objectives. But let's begin at the end.
1. Begin with the End in Mind
The first mistake businesses make is to forget why they are holding training sessions in the first place. You need more than a vague, "upgrade skill-sets" goal in order to get maximum results for minimum expenditure. What's necessary is a set of clearly defined goals that tie directly into business objectives. In other words, you need to let your business goals drive your training goals.
How can you tie them together?
It's easy. Once you have determined your business goals and needs, you ask, what do my employees need to know to accomplish these objectives? This will quite literally flesh out your training outline all by itself. You would be amazed at how many businesses skip this step, insisting and hoping that putting their employees through a generic training program will yield needed results. Doesn't work that way.
Why not?
Because employees and trainers are not geared towards meeting your goals; they have their own agendas. Imagine telling a group of people to go look for "something," in a "northerly" direction. What a silly instruction that would be! Can you imagine what they might come up with? Oh, they'll come up with something all right, but it won't be what you had in mind!
Now imagine telling them, "go look in that building on the 3rd floor for any clothing or food staples that are still salvageable."
These are specific, easy-to-follow instructions that will help target your peoples' efforts. It's the exact same way with computer and soft-skills training. Having clearly defined objectives, and communicating those objectives to both trainers and participants in advance, helps to focus your people and will net you much better results. Not to mention, you will not be throwing away all that money on generic, useless training.
So take the extra time to specify exactly which topics you need covered in your training sessions, and why, and this will go a long way towards helping you achieve your training and business objectives.
Printer Cartridges Are Really Easy to Buy Online, Just Make Sure That You Do Some Research First
Buying printer cartridges is one of those simple tasks that often gets done wrong. However, if you buy online and you do your research, you should be able to find the right cartridges for your printer at great prices. Buying online gives you access to a larger range of products.
Shopping for something like this takes time but it's worth it because you can save a bit of money. Usually you'll be looking at spending something in the region of £12-30 for your printer cartridges so it's definitely worth doing your research so that you can stay at the lower end of the price range.
Firstly, it's a good idea to do some research online by using Google. You should find a huge range of stores online that sell what you're looking for. Having a pen and paper with you, to make notes, is a great idea as well because it'll give you something to refer to when you're making up your mind.
You should also consider the fact that buying online is really easy so it won't take you long to actually purchase what you find. However, you'll need to take your time in order to get yourself the best deals and this is why it's important to ensure that you do your research.
As long as you stick to your budget and make sure that you're aware of everything on today's market, you should be fine. Just remember that there are tons of different cartridges available on the web so make sure that you know which ones are compatible with your printer.
Shopping for something like this takes time but it's worth it because you can save a bit of money. Usually you'll be looking at spending something in the region of £12-30 for your printer cartridges so it's definitely worth doing your research so that you can stay at the lower end of the price range.
Firstly, it's a good idea to do some research online by using Google. You should find a huge range of stores online that sell what you're looking for. Having a pen and paper with you, to make notes, is a great idea as well because it'll give you something to refer to when you're making up your mind.
You should also consider the fact that buying online is really easy so it won't take you long to actually purchase what you find. However, you'll need to take your time in order to get yourself the best deals and this is why it's important to ensure that you do your research.
As long as you stick to your budget and make sure that you're aware of everything on today's market, you should be fine. Just remember that there are tons of different cartridges available on the web so make sure that you know which ones are compatible with your printer.
Is a Mini Laptop the Best Computer For Me
Mini laptop computers are very convenient for students, commuters, travelers and for other busy people on the go. They are lightweight and relatively inexpensive, as well as being highly portable. However, when it comes to choosing your next computer you may be asking yourself whether a mini laptop is the best computer for me?
To answer that question, you really need to think carefully and thoroughly about what you are going to use your computer for. If you are on the go a lot and would like to look up your email or do some light word processing, a netbook computer can come in very handy. If you commute to work every day on the train, having a small, lightweight computer makes it easy to get a head start on your work, or you can do a little web surfing. If you travel, a lightweight mini laptop will be very convenient with the strict luggage restrictions that airports have these days. Students will also love having a lightweight netbook to carry from class to class for taking notes and working on their class assignments while on campus.
Mini laptops do have smaller keyboards and screens and are also not meant to be used for doing a lot of online gaming or multimedia activities. If these are things that are important to you, you may be better off with a standard laptop or desktop computer.
The keyboards and screen sizes for netbook computers have evolved to the point where there is not a lot of difference between them and a standard laptop. Also, mini laptops do come with a lot of features these days such as media slots, USB ports, built-in microphones and webcams, and some have Bluetooth capability.
If you are a person on the go and looking for a lightweight computer for surfing, emailing and basic office tasks, you should definitely consider a mini laptop.
To answer that question, you really need to think carefully and thoroughly about what you are going to use your computer for. If you are on the go a lot and would like to look up your email or do some light word processing, a netbook computer can come in very handy. If you commute to work every day on the train, having a small, lightweight computer makes it easy to get a head start on your work, or you can do a little web surfing. If you travel, a lightweight mini laptop will be very convenient with the strict luggage restrictions that airports have these days. Students will also love having a lightweight netbook to carry from class to class for taking notes and working on their class assignments while on campus.
Mini laptops do have smaller keyboards and screens and are also not meant to be used for doing a lot of online gaming or multimedia activities. If these are things that are important to you, you may be better off with a standard laptop or desktop computer.
The keyboards and screen sizes for netbook computers have evolved to the point where there is not a lot of difference between them and a standard laptop. Also, mini laptops do come with a lot of features these days such as media slots, USB ports, built-in microphones and webcams, and some have Bluetooth capability.
If you are a person on the go and looking for a lightweight computer for surfing, emailing and basic office tasks, you should definitely consider a mini laptop.
3 Reasons to Own a Computer
What did we ever do without computers? I am not sure I even remember the time when they didn't exist. Computers rule our world, and most everything we do. Kids as early as the age of three know how to use them and many of us find them indispensable in our daily lives. Yet there are many people that have not yet delved into the technology of the present and future. Some find computers intimidating and unnecessary. Hard to imagine, but true.
The convenience factor cannot be beat and as far as information goes, nothing is faster or more useful than typing a phrase into Google or Yahoo search and getting back thousands of relevant pages full on information. Not to mention the instant communication benefits of email versus regular mail, which is now appropriately termed snail mail. So, in case your still wondering what the benefits of computers are, here is a list which hopefully will prompt you to join us in our computer happy world.
3 Reasons to Own a Computer
1. The first benefit for owning a computer is finding information on the Internet. The Internet was first created during the 1960s for military reasons. However, the Internet started to expand and became widely available for everyone in the 1990s. When users connect to the Internet, they are able to find a lot of information without driving to the library.
The library is a wonderful place for children to learn how to read. However, there are obsolete books and people are required to carry a library card. Also, if people lose their book, then they will be required to pay a fine to the library. Researching on the Internet provides current information every day and people don't have to borrow or pay fines to the library.
2. The second benefit for owning a computer is sending and receiving electronic mail. E-mail services are being paid by banner and sponsored advertising. Therefore, people will be able to send and receive messages for free. Also, e-mail provides fast and speedy service without waiting for the postman.
While the postman is great for receiving large packages, the price for a stamp increases every year. Furthermore, depending on the location, people will have to wait for a reply. By using e-mail, people will be able to receive replies within minutes or the next day at the latest.
3. The third benefit for owning a computer is making new friends. The Internet allows people to use social networking sites to reunite or make new friends. Without using a computer, people won't be able to know where their friends are located. Therefore, people have to rely on the big and bulky telephone book to find information. Also, international friendships are impossible due to currency rates and higher postal fees. As a result, people are unable to learn about different cultures and trends in an international
Good Help is So Hard to Find

So you have a dilemma. Your computer is broken and, like the rest of us, you have come to depend very heavily on your computer so right about now you are probably about to totally freak out and hit panic overload mode. Am I right?
There are so many questions like "Why Me?" or "Why Now?" or "What am I going to do?" or .... OK so you get the idea. Once you calm down and get back to thinking clearly, the main pressing issue will become clear. "Where can I get this computer fixed?" That is the real question, isn't it?
Well, that's where the real problem actually begins. You see, good help is hard to find, or so they say. You could call the manufacturer of your machine. Usually they have a toll free number and are more than glad to assist you. The only problem with that is that every person I have ever talked to who has had this type of problem has called the experience a total nightmare. That is not to say that the manufacturer technical support isn't good and that there are people out there who have had a good experience going this route, I just don't happen to know any of them.
Usually one of two things happens; either the machine is out of warranty and that means you have to pay an arm and a leg to even get support or purchase an extended warranty (if the manufacturer offers it) or, the more common scenario, involves being on the phone for hours, usually on hold and going through multiple transfers to get to the "right department" and then spending more time on the phone listening to a "technician" trying to walk you through some troubleshooting. 9 times out of 10, you get someone from another country that you can't understand very well to begin with and then, even if you do get someone whose English you can understand, since you yourself are not technical, you still have problems understanding what it is they are trying to instruct you to do.
Now, let's say that the previous option feels somewhat daunting and you want to try something else. You could always try going to one of the major retailers. There are a few problems with this method as well. First of all, Circuit City has gone out of business. Not that they were all that great in this department either, from what I've heard, but at least you had that option. Best Buy and Geek Squad are still around but I've also heard some pretty scary stories about their services. In addition to the 50/50 chance that you're taking that you will get your machine back in good working order, with all of your data intact (if your hard drive hasn't totally died) and not be charged an arm and a leg and be upsold a slew of additional items that you really didn't need, there's the headache of unplugging your machine and all of it's components and lugging it down to the store. Once it's there, I hope you aren't in a hurry to get it back because chances are it's going to be there a while.
Thankfully, you do have a few other options. If your computer is not totally wrecked and you can get on the internet, you have two options. You can search via Yahoo, Google , or another search engine, for a computer repair company in your area. The benefits of calling a local company are:
1) You have someone close by who can assist you when you need help. Whether you have a few technical questions or you need to purchase additional equipment, they will be there to assist you.
2) The larger and more established companies have technicians that can come out to your location.
3) When you need to purchase a system, a good service provider will assess your needs and recommend the right system for the tasks that you need it for
4) The bigger companies have agreements with the major manufacturers and, usually, can give you a discounted price.
5) These companies generally will handle the warranties for your systems thus taking that burden off your hands.
4) The bigger companies have agreements with the major manufacturers and, usually, can give you a discounted price.
5) These companies generally will handle the warranties for your systems thus taking that burden off your hands.
6) If you choose the right company, they will be very well versed in the technical aspects of most operating systems, software programs, peripherals and networking and can, therefore assist you with the design, installation, configuration and integration of one system, a small to medium network or even a large multiple location WAN.
7) If you do need service and it is an emergency, most local companies can respond to you from 30 minutes or, at a minimum, the next day.
8) If you have a business and need a regular service provider, these companies generally offer a maintenance plan that can offer you many different options to suit your needs.
These are just a few of the advantages of using a local service provider. Keep in mind that, just as with any industry, there are good and bad service providers, so choose carefully. If you happen to be in the DC / Metro area, there is a local company that offers all of the benefits that I previously mentioned and more.
Are Computer Rentals a Viable Option For Businesses?
There are many instances in which it may be a wise choice to consider renting computer equipment rather than buying it for your business. There are times when a short term project requires the use of more computers, in which case rental suits that need to a tee. But, there are many other reasons that renting may be more economical than buying for business.
New Business: It is risky to start a new business without even considering purchasing one or more computers. Renting allows you to have the equipment you need while you build up a customer base and a source of business income. This cuts down dramatically on the amount of capital needed to start a new business. Renting makes more sense for someone just starting out with a new business.
Extra Project: There are times when extra help is needed for short term or long term projects. Project based purchases can be an unnecessary expense. Why buy extra computers if they are only needed for certain projects? In the long run, renting is more practical than purchasing more computers.
Preserving credit lines: There is no need to push your bank's line of credit in order to obtain computers for your company. You can keep your credit line in tact while still getting the newer equipment you need.
No repair bills: When you rent computer equipment you never have to worry about a repair bill. If something goes wrong with the computer equipment, you are covered.
Latest technology: Renting ensures that your company will have the latest computer software and technology available.
Tax Perks: Renting computer equipment may qualify your business for tax deductions. Check with your tax consultant but renting is a viable business expense in most cases. Any expense that is related to your business is a potential deduction.
Whether you need computers short term or long term, there are many benefits to renting. Consider the options carefully before you decide. Buying new computer equipment often sets a business back financially when the goal is for the business to make a profit. Renting allows you to budget the expense rather than have a large lump sum needed right away. Buying office equipment is often more expensive and risky to the business than renting. It is best to begin by renting in any case so you will have set payments, covered repair, and less risk financially.
CD Duplication Made Easy
CD duplication can be broadly divided into two - one at the personal level and the other, professional duplication. Most of us make duplicate copies of our favourite tracks, photo albums etc with the help of a personal computer and CD writer. But professional duplicating services cater to large-scale duplicating needs of various business sectors, including entertainment and software.
Professional CD duplication is an all-encompassing process. The project includes pre-analysis mastering, copying, printing and labelling. The CD replication firm would do proper packaging and send the finished product right to your doorstep. There are several service providers in the field, but their expertise and reputation differs.
Large scale CD duplication requires experienced work hands and proper infrastructure. These are the days when technologies get obsolete with each passing day. CD and DVD duplication technologies are also growing in leap and bounds, and any replicating service lacking in technology is bound to go out of business in no time. Duplicating firms should also have the requisite machinery to duplicate any types of compact disks, including mini disks, shaped ones, normal ones and DVDs of any kind.
CD and DVD duplication is a multifaceted job involving videotape conversion, authoring and graphics creation. It is a delicate job and any misstep in any of the aspect involved would render the CD useless. If you are in need of making duplicate copies of your CDs professionally, make a search through the websites of different duplicating services and compare their strengths and weaknesses before placing your order. Asking for a sample copy would be helpful in finding any blemishes in advance.
Dealing With a Fear of Computers
Cyberphobia is also known as the fear of computers and most likely is going to be one of those phobias that interrupts the quality of your life.
With today's technological superhighway, and the computer's ability to keep in touch with family members, even grandmothers and grandfathers are computer literate. As far as having a computer phobia, not only can it affect how you seek out information, but it can also keep you separate from family.
There are many ways to try and overcome your fear of computers, and the first is to find out exactly what your afraid of. Many of those who are considered to be afraid of computers are actually afraid of the unknown. Also, one of the great fears with a computer is that you're going to do something wrong.
If you're actually afraid of the unknown, you may try going to a simple computer class. Make sure that the instructor knows that you're afraid of computers so they take the time to teach you exactly what the computer is, how it works, and how you can get information from it. By taking a course you will be led step-by-step through your fear, and there's a good chance at the end of the course, you won't be so afraid.
The same can be said if you feel you're afraid that you're going to touch the wrong button. Many people misunderstand, and they think that they can crash or break a computer easily. In actuality, it is very difficult to crash a computer or break it. This is one of the things you will learn, if you take a computer course.
The fear of computers can be debilitating, not only can it affect your quality of life as far as how to find information, but it can also keep you separated from family and friends. If you have found that you have cyberphobia look around in your community Senior Center, your community activity center, and even your community job center and take a course in computers.
With today's technological superhighway, and the computer's ability to keep in touch with family members, even grandmothers and grandfathers are computer literate. As far as having a computer phobia, not only can it affect how you seek out information, but it can also keep you separate from family.
There are many ways to try and overcome your fear of computers, and the first is to find out exactly what your afraid of. Many of those who are considered to be afraid of computers are actually afraid of the unknown. Also, one of the great fears with a computer is that you're going to do something wrong.
If you're actually afraid of the unknown, you may try going to a simple computer class. Make sure that the instructor knows that you're afraid of computers so they take the time to teach you exactly what the computer is, how it works, and how you can get information from it. By taking a course you will be led step-by-step through your fear, and there's a good chance at the end of the course, you won't be so afraid.
The same can be said if you feel you're afraid that you're going to touch the wrong button. Many people misunderstand, and they think that they can crash or break a computer easily. In actuality, it is very difficult to crash a computer or break it. This is one of the things you will learn, if you take a computer course.
The fear of computers can be debilitating, not only can it affect your quality of life as far as how to find information, but it can also keep you separated from family and friends. If you have found that you have cyberphobia look around in your community Senior Center, your community activity center, and even your community job center and take a course in computers.
Menerima panggilan untuk pemasangan, perbaikan dan setting peralatan yang berhubungan dengan teknologiPengadaan KomputerService dan Install program komputer atau Note bookPemasangan Jaringan KomputerPemasangan Jaringan InternetSetting Jaringan KumputerPemasangan, instalasi serta setting jaringan CCTVPemasangan dan Instalasi serta setting system AudiovisualPemasangan dan Instalasi serta setting
Jaman sekarang komputer bukan lagi benda yang langkah dan dan sulit untuk mempelajarinya. Saat ini semua bidang pekerjaan menggunakan komputer, oleh karena itu setiap orang jaman sekarang harus mengetahui komputer. Di sini saya akan perkenalkan panduan mengenai komputer
Merakit Komputer : Bagi anda yang ingin memiliki komputer yang sesuai dengan keiinginan anda dan juga seuai dengan kemampuan
Merakit Komputer : Bagi anda yang ingin memiliki komputer yang sesuai dengan keiinginan anda dan juga seuai dengan kemampuan
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